The Amount of Money Offshore Accident Lawyers Pay for Clicks is Mind-Boggling

What are Offshore Accident Lawyers?

Offshore accident lawyers are personal injury lawyers that specialize in injuries suffered while someone is at sea.  Many of the people that use offshore accident lawyers are oil and gas workers that work on offshore oil rigs (or their widows or surviving family members in the case of wrongful death).

But others might be divers, barge and ship crewman, crane operators, longshoremen, and others that work offshore or work in navigable waters for some reason.

Offshore accident lawyers need to have a deed understanding of maritime law, and various federal laws like the Jones Act.

Offshore Accident Lawyers are One of Many Legal Niches With Extremely High Marketing Costs

Lawyers that specialize in certain personal injury or class action lawsuit categories often turn to the Internet to find potential clients.  They spend money trying to optimize their own law firm websites to hopefully rank high on Google for certain search terms.

But that’s extremely competitive and difficult to do, especially in certain types of cases that require gathering up a lot of clients quickly.

So they turn to bidding through Google’s pay per click advertising program.  That program generates clicks from the website as well as many other websites that display ads through its network.

If you think lawyers are spending a few bucks per click to draw Internet traffic to their law firm websites, then think again.

The estimated cost per click for the term “offshore accident lawyer” is over $800.00!

Keep in mind that is just for a click, the person does not need to actually sign up for more information or actually engage the law firm to represent them.  That is the cost charged to the offshore accident lawyer by Google just for having one person click an ad.

Many Other Legal Niches are Very Expensive

Here are a few other legal search terms that are estimated to be extremely expensive to advertise for:

• Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer    over $700 per click

• Truck Accident Lawyer Texas           over $600 per click

• Best Mesothelioma Attorney             over $800 per click

• Medical Malpractice Epidural           over $400 per click

• IVC Blood Clot Filter Lawsuit           over $100 per click

This is just a sampling.  There are many, many other legal keywords that cost over $100 per click for attorneys to target.

Why Should I Care?

We live in a free country.  If lawyers want to put a lot of marketing dollars back into the economy, then they are free to do so.

Obviously they must be generating substantial settlements or judgements for their clients, coupled with large legal fees, in order to be able to pay such a high price per click.

We’ve talked about running a niche website and generating revenue through advertising networks like Google AdWords or Ezoic.  If someone was extremely knowledgeable about a particular legal niche, could write very high quality content, and was able to rank their niche website high on Google in order to generate traffic, they could potentially generate a lot of money in advertising.

Keep in mind that Google shares its ad revenue with publishers (you the site owner) at an undisclosed percentage.  So you won’t get the full amount an advertiser pays.

In some sense, this would be the holy grail of niche websites.  You could generate a large amount of passive income if your niche website was able to drive even a moderate amount of relevant traffic to the lawyer-advertisers.

Not an Easy Task to Pull Off

The fact that lawyers can pay extremely high costs per click to advertise their services tells us a few things.  One is that these terms are generally very difficult to rank highly for.  So don’t count on just throwing up a homemade looking blog and ranking high.

Ranking high enough to generate traffic might require a very deep knowledge of SEO and a lot of work with no guarantee that it will work.

Writing content about these niches is not going to be something you can just outsource to a random article writer in India.  For the content to be relevant, it may require the site owner to actually have a deep knowledge of the topic themselves or a willingness to pay a lot more money to someone like an attorney or an insurance company executive that has the knowledge.

And you start getting into the issue of not wanting to give legal advice and wanting to strictly comply with all laws, so it would be a challenge to develop the content even if you do have firsthand experience yourself.

Also, in many of these niches, the actual global search traffic is extremely low.  It could be as few as 10 to 20 searches per month for a specific search term.

It wouldn’t be easy, but still potentially quite lucrative.

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