It Would Be Fascinating to See a Sports Team Try to Get Taxpayers to Finance a Stadium Right Now

It Would Be Fascinating to See a Sports Team Try to Get Taxpayers to Finance a Stadium Right Now

  Getting taxpayers to finance a new stadium is extremely beneficial to the billionaire owners of sports teams, as well as the players whose salaries are driven by league and team revenue.  It makes very little sense for taxpayers as the economic impact to the local economy does not begin to pay back the amount…

Who Will Root for the Los Angeles Chargers?

Who Will Root for the Los Angeles Chargers?

  Chargers owner Dean Spanos is a complete and total disgrace.  By respectable media outlets, he has been called a “coward“, a “villain“, the “masturbating security guard of NFL owners“.  Blog commenters and keyboard cowboys on Twitter have called him things that are sometimes even worse than that.  Moving the Chargers from San Diego to Los Angeles…